• Invest in the mission of God

    Your generosity towards this ministry will result in the salvation of many souls. Will you invest in those souls today?

  • Join our Team

    Our teams are constantly growing. From evangelism to outreaches to Gospel Campaigns. Join our team and get involved in the areas that best suit you or that you want to grow in.

  • Partner with us for your city

    If you want to hold a Gospel Campaign in your city to see it impacted by the love and power of Jesus Christ then partner with us and let’s build the kingdom together.

Our Mission

At OFAM we are committed to Preach the gospel, prepare the church, and pursue the lost through our:

A Gospel Campaign is an organized operation by which we conduct mass evangelism through the preaching of the gospel, in order that those far from God will draw close, making Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior and thereby regenerated through the power of the Holy Spirit.

What is a Gospel Campaign?

  • Mission: Go

A Movement of One Church, in One Spirit, with One Message, on One Mission. To “Go” into all the world and make disciples.

  • Street Church

From containment to advancement, taking the praise, proclamation, and presence of God from inside the four walls of the Church to the Streets.

What is Evangelism?

Evangelism is from the Greek word euaggelistes(Evangelist) which is “a messenger of good news”. Evangelism is the act of proclaiming the good news of Jesus, The Christ.

  • Charlottesville, VA (Coming soon)

Weekly and Monthly teams are sent out to evangelize.

  • Fredericksburg, VA (Weekly)

  • Richmond, VA (Monthly)

Evangelist and Evangelism

An Evangelist is a messenger of the good news of Jesus Christ and has a parallel call, in accordance with Ephesians 4:11-13, to equip, build up, and unify His Church.

The Mission of the Church is to evangelize the world. Every born-again believer has this call, and they must be equipped, built up, and unified in it.

Seminars, workshops, and programs to develop saints in evangelism and evangelistic ministry.

  • Evangelism

  • Ministry